America's Wealth Creation Attorney
Create Wealth and
a Legacy with
Overages Business
Overages is a profitable and meaningful business. You can make great money while being a hero helping people who have lost their home to foreclosure. We can show you how you can have your own highly profitable Overages business. With over two decades of experience as an entrepreneur, attorney, and business mentor, Bob offers practical advice on transitioning into successful business ownership.
His innovative approaches to money-making strategies, coupled with his engaging personality, have captivated audiences on major media platforms like FOX, NBC, CNBC, NPR, and TLC’s Flip That House.
As the host of the Pathways to Prosperity Podcast, Bob has a proven track record of delivering actionable insights and inspiring success stories. Subscribe to the podcast below. This is your chance to get access to similar business advice he teaches at Harvard Business School.
Attorney Bob Diamond
What Are Overages?
When a house is auctioned at tax or mortgage foreclosure sale, it often sells for far more than the amount due. The “extra” money over and above the amount due is called “Overages”, “Excess Funds”, “Surplus Funds” or “Overbids”. Former owners are eligible to claim that money.
Millions of Dollars Available Right Now
At this very moment, there are hundreds of millions of dollars leftover from past foreclosure sales available to be claimed. But 75% of the time that money will not be claimed. Instead the government keeps the unclaimed money.
Overages is a Great Business
You are helping foreclosed home owners who have suffered a devastating loss get back tens of thousands of dollars they would otherwise not get back. And you are rewarded with a substantial finder's fee for helping them. The Overages Business is can even replace your “job” income or be built into a large and very profitable business.
We Can Show You How
Millions $ Added Every Day!
Every day approximately 3,000 properties are sold at tax sales. According to JP Morgan Chase, those tax sales generate a little over $14 million dollars per day. Several million of those dollars are “Overages” available for you to claim. Additionally there are over 1,900 mortgage foreclosures every business day and those add several million dollars per day into the Overages pie for those who know how to take advantage of it.
Why Don't They Get The Money Themselves?
Foreclosed homeowners simply don't know there is any money to claim. They can't apply for money they don't know about. So 75% of the time the money goes unclaimed.
Who is This Business
Good For?
People who want a lucrative business helping people and who are willing to put in the effort. The effort is mainly reaching out to claimants, letting them know about the opportunity to claim money and seeing if they want your help.
We Can Teach You The Overages Business
We are attorney-led and MBA-run and have been in Overages for over a decade. We know the business inside-out and have powerful systems and process to share. We can show you all the steps:
- How to get the list of monies being held.
- How to get the current contact info for the former owner.
- Exactly what to say to the former owner, so they are excited to work with you.
- Attorney-prepared and time-tested agreements to lock down the deal.
- How to recover the money.
Why Learn Overages From Attorney Bob Diamond And MBA Ed Diamond?
Bob is an attorney and the undisputed legal expert in Overages. He has been a licensed attorney since 1995. Ed Diamond is an MBA trained as an executive with American Express and Pepsi Americas. Together, they own and operate what is probably the country's largest Overages business. With Bob and Ed you know you'll be doing business legally and getting professional-level systems and processes.
A Business Where You Help People and Create Wealth
for Yourself and Your Family
In the Overages business you help foreclosed homeowners get back money they don't know about, but desperately need. And you make great money for yourself and your family. We call it “doing well while doing good“.
What People Are Saying
Here are just a few of our successful students who learned from us. They are making money and helping foreclosed former homeowners get restarted in life. When you learn Overages from us and maybe you'll be our next student success story.

Vadim T.
“Your Overages Course is a Brilliant Effective Money Maker!”

Ray S.
“This business is a true life changer for everyone involved”

Vadim T.
“Tax Sales Blueprint course comes with the greatest support system! Best support I've ever seen anywhere! It gives the fastest ‘same day' most accurate answers via email and sends phone backup notifications about the answered question.”

Donald B.
” My first tax overage claim was for $238,929.40… literally changed my life”

Lana G.
“Well, I finally did it! …thanks to all your assistance, help, and advice.”

Harvey K.
“Thank you to Bob Diamond and the team for putting this program together”